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A recent PT Leader Prospective piece asked, “Who Can You Believe About Climate Change?” Certainly not it’s writer, as it is full of disinformation and gross inaccuracies. 

The UN has not claimed that the “Earth has10 years to avert climate change catastrophe”.  It is politicians who are making this absurd claim.  Stating that, “This period is now the warmest in the history of modern civilization” ignores the Medieval, Roman and Minoan warm periods. NCA reports state that there is no convincing alternative explanation of temperature rise (other than our use of fossil fuels). However, they ignore the 60year Atlantic Multi-decadal Osculation and solar activity variations.

Sea level rise and glacier melting data shows each has changed with little variation in the rate since the little ice age ended in the mid 1800s. Global sea level has risen 7 to 8 inches since 1900. It is incorrect to state that “almost half of that rise occurring since 1993” (It was only 1.3 inches) The world’s most noted expert on sea level rise predicts a maximum of 3 or 4 inches by 2100.

The writer exaggerates ocean acidification, as the oceans are not turning acid, just getting less caustic. In recent history pH has varied totally uncorrelated with CO2 levels and nothing catastrophic happened.

Since cold weather causes more deaths than hot weather, a warmer climate will have fewer deaths.

The forest fire statement is deceptive. National wildfire data shows the number of fires has not increased over the period mentioned. Acreage burned has increased most likely due to poor management of our forests and brush lands.

Temperature prediction models, using CO2 levels as a driver, have been shown to grossly exaggerate future temperatures.

The only climate change concern is politicians and bureaucrats trying to get more control using this manufactured crisis.

Gene Farr

Printed in The PT Leader

June 12, 2019