The youth Climate Strike is horrible, in that our students are being manipulated into becoming activists for a socialist political cause.
It is a lie that global warming is causing more extreme weather and the big lie is that it will be catastrophic.
NOAA records clearly show there has been no recent increase in the number or intensity of extreme tornadoes and hurricanes.
It is outrageously deceptive to claim that we are seeing more deaths due to heat waves without noting the reduction in cold weather deaths more than counter balances these deaths. World Health Organization data shows a dramatic decrease in total deaths due to all types of extreme weather worldwide over the last 100 years.
Wildfire data from the national organization coordinating wildfire-fighting efforts (the NIFC-NICC) proves that the number of wildfires has not increased over recent years.
Sea level data shows a smooth rise over the last 160 years, averaged 7 inches per century with no increasing rate in recent years. Analyses by the world’s most renowned sea level researcher, Dr Nils-Axel Morner, indicates 4 inches (not feet) per century is the best estimate of the upper limit for the future.
USDA data shows that major crop yields have increased markedly with no new farm acreage added.
Polar bear populations have increased dramatically.
Then there are lies by omission. One is that students have not been told about the Atlantic Multi Decadal Oscillation. It is a natural climate phenomenon, with about a 62year period, causing peak ocean temperatures in the1870s, 1940s and in the 2000s. This explains almost all of the temperature variations over the last 160 years.
The leftist politicians’ lie that we only have 10years to save the earth is frightening our children, causing all kinds of psychological problems, and this must be stopped.
Gene Farr
Submitted to The PT Leader
September 20, 2019
But never printed
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