(360) 343-4041 info@jeffgop.org

It is slanderous to claim my husband “thinks climate change is a hoax” when the real hoax is claiming that government can stop climate change.  The earth’s climate has changed considerably from time to time and most likely will change in the future.  Calling anyone a “climate change denier” or “thinking climate change is a hoax” is akin to calling them idiots.

This demonization is clearly done to avoid addressing these valid questions:

Are politicians deceiving us by only talking about gases such as CO2 and methane while ignoring the major atmospheric greenhouse constituent – water vapor?

Don’t water vapor and clouds have a greater impact on climate and weather than CO2?

Isn’t the bulk of the recent slight warming due to solar and oceanic variations and cycles?

Given that CO2 in the atmosphere has probably been as much as 20 times higher in the past and all plant life does better as CO2 is increased – where is the danger?

Why are we being misled about increased extreme weather, sea level rise, polar bear populations, future temperatures, drought, wildfires, degraded health, glaciers melting, etc.  Who benefits from climate change being a problem that government can fix?

We saw fascist type government-private collusion and use of state resources to suppress discussion during the Obama administration, but there has been none from the Trump administration.

Socialistic type government control only leads to tyranny and fascism.  This causes the total destruction of an economy, as we have seen in the Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Mao’s China, North Korea, etc.  Do you want this for your kids?

Socialism is not a product of Fox News, but the mantra of the current Democrat presidential candidates.  Beware!

Karen Farr

Printed in The PT Leader

April 10, 2019