(360) 343-4041 info@jeffgop.org

The PT Leader editorial page of February 27, 2019, in accusing capitalism for the Jefferson County housing problem, is totally out of touch with reality.   It is also disgustingly denigrating to all in our area who have savings accounts, IRA’s, mutual funds, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Keough Plans, stocks, bonds, trust funds and pensions.  All these investments provide the capital to fuel our capitalistic economy.  It is the lifeblood of our economy.  Are these people evil capitalists?

The real reason we have an affordability problem in Jefferson County is over regulation.  Land use designations severely restrict businesses and entrepreneurs who would provide higher wages. Other land use regulations prevent the development of smaller lower cost living units. In other words, regulations are killing our economy, not capitalism.  It is the elites who promote more government control and micro management of our economy who are causing the problem.

We need a more friendly development and permitting process. Ours is currently too restrictive and cumbersome for builders.  There is very limited affordable housing in our area because building is severely limited.  There should be more zoning for smaller and multiple units. Wake up.  Capitalism is not the problem – it is restrictive government.

Karen Farr

Printed in The PT Leader

March 6, 2019