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Leading Environmentalist Condemns Climate Fear Mongering: More on Jefferson County’s Fake Climate Emergency


We are not putting our survival in danger. Apocalyptic fear mongering about climate change has no basis in science. Those who fan the flames of climate panic are causing real harm.

So says award-winning, highly respected environmental champion Michael Shellenberger. He was named a Time magazine Hero of the Environment.  He enjoys international respect. He’s had it with people who exploit climate fears to push political agendas.

He would no doubt roll his eyes were he to attend the meetings of the Jefferson County Board of Health. There you can hear all kinds of fantastical, speculative scenarios being used to lay the groundwork for declaring a “climate emergency. (We’ve written about this in two earlier reports, here and here.)

Everything from drowning communities, uncontrollable forest fires, Biblical natural disasters, lethal contagions, to murderous heat waves. When we will not be expiring from unrelenting heat we will be succumbing to killing cold, and we’ll be fighting massive flooding when we’re not dying from dehydration in permanent droughts–because “climate change” explains everything that can possibly go wrong. And if the dire predictions don’t come true, that is also due to…   read more