Governor Jay Inslee claims there is an “imminent threat of climate change”, but is climate change a problem?
Low snowpack may be a concern in some localized areas, but it is not a global problem. Increasing global temperatures cause more ocean evaporation and therefore, more precipitation.
Wildfire data from the national organization coordinating wildfire fighting efforts (the NIFC-NICC) proves that the number of wildfires has not increased over recent years. However, the acreage burned has increased, most likely due to the gross mismanagement of forests and brush lands.
NOAA data shows no increase in the number or severity of major hurricanes or tornados over the years where climate change is claimed to be occurring.
Sea level rise projections, driven by the totally discredited UN temperature prediction models, must be ignored. Global rise, over the last 160 years, has averaged 7 inches per century. However, analyses by the world’s most renowned sea level researcher, Dr Nils-Axel Morner, indicates 4 inches per century is the best estimate of the upper limit for the future.
Many politicians use climate change as an excuse to call for more taxes, more bureaucracy and limiting what we can use for energy. Who benefits from the climate being a controllable problem? Public employee unions benefit, as more bureaucrats are required. Green energy companies get more business and more subsidies. The UN gets more control. Politicians benefit from more taxes and more campaign contributions.
Politicians who claim climate change is a problem are simply promoting a manufactured crisis.
Gene Farr
Printed in The Peninsula Daily News
Feb 5, 2019
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