(360) 343-4041 info@jeffgop.org

Dr. Elizabeth Kreiselmaier was blessed to experience a successful and fulfilling 17+ year career in the field of educational research and program evaluation after receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Ph.D in Special Education, Management, and Counseling Psychology from the University of Oregon. She developed broad expertise in the areas of special education and early intervention, K-12 and postsecondary education, and assessment and accountability. She brought this background to bear on the tasks of policy analysis, research/evaluation design, and program assessment through the variety of projects she directed.

As a Project Director at Wested/Far West Laboratory, Elizabeth designed and conducted educational research, development and evaluation projects for the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, and various State Departments of Education, universities, and local agencies and school districts. Projects included assessing the effectiveness of instructional materials, developing statewide assessment systems, and evaluating local accountability improvement efforts, as well as providing support and assessment of beginning teachers. She also served as an internal evaluator for WestEd’s internal review of programs’ impact.

Prior to joining WestEd, Elizabeth worked at Oregon Research Institute for nine years, where she directed or managed numerous federally funded special education research and development projects in the area of support services for students with severe disabilities and their families, and for the personnel who serve them.

In addition to conducting a wide array of federal, state, and local evaluations and development projects, Dr. Kreiselmaier has published, presented, and consulted widely, taught university courses, served on many boards and task forces, and led professional development sessions and workshops for hundreds of professionals.

Having experienced a very successful and fulfilling career in the field of education, Elizabeth was also keenly aware of the value of being able to focus her efforts on becoming an involved full-time mom to her and her husband Paul’s son, Brent. Elizabeth has remained steadfast in her commitment to pursue her calling as a mom with as much vim and vigor as she had pursued her professional career. Over the past 18 years as a full-time mom (to a wonderful son who’s now enrolled in university), Elizabeth has served her family and community in a variety of capacities, including: volunteer art teacher, Precinct Committee Officer, HOA President, small business owner and administrator, women’s Bible study leader, and active church member where she has sung in several choirs (look for her this year in Tacoma Life Center’s Singing Christmas Tree!), served as a youth ministry small group leader, lay counselor and supervisor, and various other roles in her local community, churches, and her son’s schools.