How to vote
Candidate selection criteria.
We need people in public office who will actively promote laws and regulations that will solve problems.
- Return our country to energy independence, thus rejuvenating our economy and cutting inflation.
- Cut inflation by cutting taxation, regulations and spending.
- Create an environment where small businesses will thrive.
- Ensure laws are consistently enforced and order maintained.
- Provide robust funding for law enforcement personnel.
- Secure our nation’s borders to cut drug and sex trafficking plus the influx of criminals, gang members and terrorists.
- Promote parent involvement in schools and school boards.
- Provide several non-government school choices.
- Ensure useful education relevant to the real world, not indoctrination.
- Promote families – the basic building block of all successful societies.
- Ensure election integrity by regularly verifying voter eligibility and ballot handling processes.
- Eliminate all current government mandates that were not voted on by our representatives.
- Emergency powers must be limited and not usurp the citizens’ constitutional rights.
- Fix the problems causing homelessness.
- Ensure liberty and justice for all.
To this end we must elect:
For U.S. Senator: Tiffany Smiley.
For Congressional District 6: Elizabeth Kreiselmaier.
For Secretary of State: Brad Klippert, write in.
For State District 24 Pos. 1: Sue Forde.
For State District 24 Pos. 2: Brian Pruiett.
For Jefferson County Commissioner District 3: Marcia Kelbon.
Gene Farr
Port Townsend
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