A recent PT Leader Prospective piece asked, “Who Can You Believe About Climate Change?” Certainly not it’s writer, as it is full of disinformation and gross inaccuracies. The UN has not claimed that the “Earth has10 years to avert climate...
The youth Climate Strike is horrible, in that our students are being manipulated into becoming activists for a socialist political cause. It is a lie that global warming is causing more extreme weather and the big lie is that it will be catastrophic. NOAA records...
The PT Leader editorial page of February 27, 2019, in accusing capitalism for the Jefferson County housing problem, is totally out of touch with reality. It is also disgustingly denigrating to all in our area who have savings accounts, IRA’s, mutual funds,...
I am appalled that our school kids are being manipulated into becoming activists for socialist political causes. To get them to participate in the students climate protest, they were clearly lied to and deceived extensively. It is a lie that global warming is causing...
It is slanderous to claim my husband “thinks climate change is a hoax” when the real hoax is claiming that government can stop climate change. The earth’s climate has changed considerably from time to time and most likely will change in the future. ...
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